The highly anticipated film “The Apprentice” premiered at the Cannes Film Festival on Monday, offering a scathing portrayal of former President Donald Trump in the 1980s. Directed by Ali Abbasi, the movie stars Sebastian Stan as Trump and Jeremy Strong as Roy Cohn, depicting their complex relationship in the world of New York City politics and business.
One of the most controversial scenes in the film depicts Trump raping his wife, Ivana Trump, played by Maria Bakalova. The scene is based on Ivana Trump’s 1990 divorce deposition where she alleged that Trump had raped her. The film delves into the Faustian bargain between Trump and Cohn, portraying the latter as a mentor who shaped Trump’s rise as a businessman and politician.
Despite the behind-the-scenes drama surrounding the film, including pressure from investor Dan Snyder to edit certain scenes, “The Apprentice” is generating buzz as a potential awards contender. The gritty ’80s aesthetic and powerful performances are drawing attention, with the film playing in competition for the prestigious Palme d’Or at Cannes.
Director Ali Abbasi emphasized that “The Apprentice” is not a traditional biopic of Trump but rather a specific story focusing on his relationship with Cohn. The film’s exploration of power dynamics and manipulation is sure to spark discussions and debates, especially in the midst of the U.S. presidential election.
As the trial of Trump’s hush money scandal continues in New York, “The Apprentice” offers a unique perspective on the former president’s early years and the influences that shaped his controversial career. With its potential for political impact and critical acclaim, the film is poised to make a significant impact in the world of cinema.